Dear NS frens ~~
haha... six of us : cindy, mary, ke ci, me, lammy and mei kee... lots of memories in plkn with you all... thanks for everything we'd share throughout the training.. food, idea, jokes, reminders, hangers, clips, pail...etc... haha always in a gang, fours of us usually play cho dai di after dinner... haha... lammy set the bathing time for us.. then we have to stop playing on time and bath together at the same time.. our mummy.. hungry times... we often cook maggi cup to fill our stomach..and our favourite the mornings of the weekends.... haha. thinking bout the days ? we've been so sensitive, childish, emotional. yet we patient and accept everything...soon after everything calms down..after our mind get the real great picture... or indulge with jokes, comfort and encouragement... we get to be "fei" again... the crazy geminis... haha... when we get mad, we often said tat "few days more and we will be going back"....few days more... the days just past...